Saturday, October 11, 2008

SAP Footer and Paginators in SAP Netweaver Managing ALV Output Areas

The ALV output has its own footer that always contains the vertical paginators and optionally contains the horizontal paginators too.

You can make the following settings for the footer and paginators:

· Show or hide the footer

· Show horizontal paginators

· Scroll horizontally and vertically

Further Information

· For information on defining the number of visible rows and columns, see Size of ALV Output, Columns, and Cells.

· For information on the difference between scrollable and fixed columns, see Position of Columns.

Showing/Hiding the Footer

The ALV output normally has too many entries to display at once. The user cannot use the scroll bars to view the invisible entries - instead, he or she must use the paginators in the footer to navigate to the required location.

If your ALV output contains a lot of data records, you must make sure that you provide paginators for the user: You show the footer containing the paginators.

You can define whether the footer containing the paginators is visible, and when it is visible:

· Never

Even if entries are hidden in the invisible area, the footer is not shown.

· Always

Even when all entries are visible at any time, the footer is shown. In this case, the paginators are deactivated.

· Only when required

The footer is only visible if there are more rows and columns than can be displayed in the ALV output.

To show or hide the footer, use the methods of the interface class IF_SALV_WD_TABLE_SETTINGS (implementing class CL_SALV_WD_CONFIG_TABLE).

Methods for Showing the Footer



Show footer


Check whether the footer is shown


Showing Horizontal Paginators

By default, all columns marked as visible are displayed. The user may have to navigate to the required location using the horizontal scroll bar of the browser window. The horizontal paginators are hidden.

You can define how many scrollable columns are visible at once, thereby determining the width of the ALV output. The user requires the paginators in order to move the invisible columns into the visible area. This is because he or she cannot use the scroll bar for this.

The vertical paginators are always visible, regardless of the number of visible rows you choose.

However, the horizontal paginators are only visible if you define the number of scrollable columns. If you set this number high enough for all columns to be visible, the paginators are deactivated.

To define the number of visible columns and thereby determine whether to show or hide the paginators, use the methods of the interface class IF_SALV_WD_TABLE_SETTINGS (implementing class CL_SALV_WD_CONFIG_TABLE).

Methods for Showing Horizontal Paginators



Define number of scrollable columns


Get number of scrollable columns


Scrolling Horizontally and Vertically

The user requires the pushbuttons of the paginators in order to move invisible columns or rows into the visible area of the ALV output. He or she can also use the input fields of the paginators to enter the row or column to be displayed as the first visible row or column in the ALV output.

You can use the ALV configuration model to define which row or column is displayed first regardless of whether the footer is shown.


To specify the first row, use the index of the row. To specify the first column, use the technical name of the column.

To scroll to the required column or row in the ALV output, use the methods of the interface class IF_SALV_WD_TABLE_SETTINGS (implementing class CL_SALV_WD_CONFIG_CLASS).

Methods for Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling



Specify row to be displayed as the first row


Get row to be displayed as the first row


Specify column to be displayed as the first column


Get column to be displayed as the first column


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