Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Digital Signatures in Form Integration Web Dynpro ABAP Integrating Forms

When editing forms whose content is critical to security, it is a good idea to use digital signatures, so that the origin of the form can be verified. This allows you to check whether the source is trustworthy and whether the form or its content has been changed subsequently (integrity).

See also:

Digital Signatures and Certification in Forms

Digital Signatures in Forms


ADS Connection

For the signatures, you need a secure connection via SSL or HTTPS. For this, your system needs an RFC connection of type HTTP Connection to External Server for the ADS. The external server for the ADS is the J2EE Engine. See Adobe Document Services Configuration Guide

Documents with Signature Field

To set and check the signature, the form must have a signature field. You can run insert this in Form Builder (transaction SFP) in Layout.

It does not make any difference whether the signature is server-side or client-side.

Signing a Form


1. Create a form with a signature field.

2. To digitally sign your form, click on the signature field.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

3. Confirm the subsequent prompts.
The signature information is inserted in the signature field. Example:

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

Checking the Signature

The validity of the signature is checked Send button that is inserted on the form. This button is then used to send the signed form back to the back end.

Method GET_SIGNATURES of interface IF_FP_PDF_OBJECT is used for this.

For more information, see Scenarios for Setting and Checking Multiple Signatures.

1 comment:

lauren said...

An informative blog on adding digital signature on a form.To verify the origin when submitted.You also mentioned the way to retrieve it on form submission.It really helped.Thanks
electronic signature FAQ
