Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Web Dynpro Application

Another important task of the window is to establish the connection between the structured view group (or at least one individual view) and a URL that can be called by the user. The window is also a unit called by a user using a Web Dynpro application. In general, only one view is displayed on the screen at a time. In the simplest case, the Web Dynpro application calls the view specified as the start view (default) within the window. The user can navigate from this start view to a subsequent view.

The Web Dynpro application is an independent object in the object list of the ABAP Workbench. For more information about creating and editing an application, see the tools manual in the section Web Dynpro Application. For more information about the URL, see the section URL of a Web Dynpro Application.


When you create a Web Dynpro application, an appropriate node is automatically created in the ICF tree (see the section Initial Configuration Settings in Structure linkWeb Dynpro for ABAP Configuration).

The connection between a Web Dynpro window and a Web Dynpro application is established by the interface view of a window. Exactly one interface view is automatically assigned to each window of a component and this interface view contains a default plug by default.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

You can display each interface view in the ABAP Workbench.

The interface views do not only connect the application to the window, but they and their plugs have several more functions. As a part of the component interface, they are also used when multiple components are to communicate with each other. This is the reason why they are described in more detail in several sections of the second part of the programming guide.

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